출처: https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1071

문제 설명

A number spiral is an infinite grid whose upper-left square has number 1. Here are the first five layers of the spiral:

1 2 9 10 25
4 3 8 11 24
5 6 7 12 23
16 15 14 13 22
17 18 19 20 21

Your task is to find out the number in row y and column x.


The first input line contains an integer t: the number of tests.

After this, there are tt lines, each containing integers y and x.


For each test, print the number in row y and column x.

입력 예

2 3
1 1
4 2

출력 예



  • 1 <= t  <= 10^
  • 1 <= y , x <= 10^9


문제 풀이 

(y, x) 위치를 입력 받아서, y 와 x 를 비교해서 더 큰 수를 기준으로 출발한다. x의 경우 홀수이면 (2k+1)^2에서 y만큼 줄이면 원하는 답이 되고, 짝수이면 (2k+1)^2+1 에서 y만큼 더하면 된다. y의 경우 짝수이면 (2k)^2에서 x 만큼 줄이고, 홀수이면 (2k)^+1에서 x만큼 더하면 된다.

프로그램 내용

#define MAX_SQUARE 100000
#define MAX_ELEMENT 1000000000

int main()
    long long x, y;
	cin >> y >> x;

    /// (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), ... , (1,t)
    /// (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), ... , (2,t)
    /// ... (1, (2k-1)) -> (2k-1)^2 , (2,(2k-1)) = (2k-1)^2 - (2-1) = 8
    /// ... (2k, 1) -> (2k)^2, (2k, 2) = (2k)^2 - (2-1) = 15
    if (x >= y) /// (2,3), (3,3)           
		if( x%2 == 1)	/// x = 2k-1,
			result[i] = x*x - (y-1);
			result[i] = (x-1)*(x-1) + y;
	else /// y > x            
		if( y%2 == 0 ) /// y = 2k,
			result[i] = y*y - (x-1);
			result[i] = (y-1)*(y-1) + x;

	for (int i=0; i< TestNum; i++)
        cout << result[i] << endl;


Introductory problems ( link )

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