출처: https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1090

문제 설명

There are n children who want to go to a Ferris wheel, and your task is to find a gondola for each child.

Each gondola may have one or two children in it, and in addition, the total weight in a gondola may not exceed xx. You know the weight of every child.

What is the minimum number of gondolas needed for the children?


The first input line contains two integers n and x: the number of children and the maximum allowed weight.

The next line contains n integers p_1,p_2,,p_n: the weight of each child.


Print one integer: the minimum number of gondolas.

입력 예

4 10
7 2 3 9

출력 예



  • 1 <= n <= 2x1e5  
  • 1 <= x <= 1e9 
  • 1 <= p_i <= x

문제 풀이

무게를 입력받아서 정렬하고, 앞쪽(left)와 뒤쪽(right) 아이의 몸무게를 합쳐서 제한무게와 비교한다.

작으면, 곤돌라 하나에 탑승시키고(left+1, right-1), 무거우면 무거운 아이 혼자 타도록 한다.(right-1)  

프로그램 내용

    int nChild, weightL;
    cin >> nChild >> weightL ;

    long childWeight[nChild] = {0};

    for (int in=0; in < nChild; ++in)
        cin >> childWeight[in];

    sort(childWeight, childWeight+nChild);

    int idx=0, id = nChild-1;
    int gondola_count=0;

    while( idx <= id )
        if (childWeight[idx] + childWeight[id] > weightL) id--;
        else { idx++; id--;}

	cout << gondola_count << endl;


Sorting and Searching link )

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