출처: https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1091

문제 설명

There are n concert tickets available, each with a certain price. Then, m customers arrive, one after another.

Each customer announces the maximum price he or she is willing to pay for a ticket, and after this, they will get a ticket with the nearest possible price such that it does not exceed the maximum price.


The first input line contains integers n and m: the number of tickets and the number of customers.

The next line contains n integers h_1,h_2,,h_n: the price of each ticket.

The last line contains mm integers t_1,t_2,,t_m: the maximum price for each customer.


Print, for each customer, the price that they will pay for their ticket. After this, the ticket cannot be purchased again.

입력 예

5 3
5 3 7 8 5
4 8 3

If a customer cannot get any ticket, print −1.

출력 예



  • 1 <= n,m <= 2x10^5
  • 1 <= h_i, t_i <= 10^9

문제 풀이 

티켓 가격을 multiset에 저장하고, 희망 가격으로 lower_bound를 찾는다.

그 가격보다 낮은 가격이 있으면 출력하고, 없으면 -1을 출력한다.

프로그램 내용

    multiset <long, greater<long>> tPrice;

    for (int in=0; in < nTicket; ++in)
        cin >> temp;

    for (int id = 0; id < nCustomer; ++id)
        cin >> temp;
        auto low = tPrice.lower_bound(temp);
        if ( low == tPrice.end())
            cout << -1 << endl;
            cout << *low << endl;


Sorting and Searching link )

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